viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

Me and veterinary medicine

Hi there! today i will tell you about my career... When i finished school i enter to estudy engineering, but in a while i realized that it isn`t my vocation, i didn't want to go to the uni and neither study, that`s why i left that career and i started to look for a new one to study. I chek almost all the careers of cientific area and when i saw medicine veterinary i loved it, that`s when i new that that was my vocation and i chek it when i finally enter. I always had being an animal lover, they are so smart and cute. Well, now that i`m here in the uni y feel really happy, in my first year i past all my subjects and it went really good, now in second year i think it`s more difficult. I also had found really good friends with ones a have a nice relationship, we study togheter and also went out. I have the desire of being a serious veterinary with all the tools that let me had a great performance in my professional life.

viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

my beautiful dog

Hey! i left you a photo of me and my dog Almendra, she's beautiful isn't she?

Welcome to my blog!

Hello, my name is Digna but everyones calls me nina, i don't know why actually... so, i´m from Santiago de Chile, specifically from San Bernardo. I´m a university student, i study veterinary medicine in the University of Chile. I love animals and nature, i'm a very friendy person and easygoing. This is my first blog and i hope i learn a lot of it, now i´m a little lost but a think that with the time i gonna be a blog expert.