viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

Me and veterinary medicine

Hi there! today i will tell you about my career... When i finished school i enter to estudy engineering, but in a while i realized that it isn`t my vocation, i didn't want to go to the uni and neither study, that`s why i left that career and i started to look for a new one to study. I chek almost all the careers of cientific area and when i saw medicine veterinary i loved it, that`s when i new that that was my vocation and i chek it when i finally enter. I always had being an animal lover, they are so smart and cute. Well, now that i`m here in the uni y feel really happy, in my first year i past all my subjects and it went really good, now in second year i think it`s more difficult. I also had found really good friends with ones a have a nice relationship, we study togheter and also went out. I have the desire of being a serious veterinary with all the tools that let me had a great performance in my professional life.

6 comentarios:

  1. Hi there! today i will tell you about my career... When i finished school i TENSE enter to SP estudy engineering, but in a while i realized that it isn`t my vocation, i didn't want to go to the uni and neither ^study, that`s why i left that career and i started to look for a new one to study. I TENSE SP chek almost all the careers of SP cientific area and when i saw WO medicine veterinary i loved it, that`s when i new that that was my vocation and i TENSE SP chek it when i finally enter. I always TENSE had WF being an animal lover, they are so smart and cute. Well, now that i`m here in the uni y feel really happy, in my first year i WW past all my subjects and it went really good, now in second year i think it`s more difficult. I also had found really good friends WF with ones a have a nice relationship, we study togheter and also TENSE went out. I have the desire of being a serious WF veterinary with all the tools that let me TENSE
    had a great performance in my professional life.
    well done! I´m sure you will be a great veterinarian!
    p.s. check the correction ok?

  2. I'ts funny, the people always says that the first year of every carrer it's the more difficult. WRONG!!. i'm agree that this year it's more difficult, but if you did like the past year, you will have no problems

  3. Hellooo
    Nina I like you to be her!!
    You are a vet! :D

    And now to study for physiology!!!
    I love you nina gay xD

  4. HI nina:
    I loved your comment
    I also love medicine veterinary.

  5. Hi Nina! Well, I think that all the people that study veterinarian love the animals. Every we have a different objects to our lifes but always are and be to of a animal, no?

    I like your post and your history of the vocation.

    See you on the next class!

  6. NINA!!!!...MMM...I agree with Soraya, in this career really you have love for the animals =). Also I believe that you study this for save and cure the animals...
    Nina, I love you...
    See you later...=)
