viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

Welcome to my blog!

Hello, my name is Digna but everyones calls me nina, i don't know why actually... so, i´m from Santiago de Chile, specifically from San Bernardo. I´m a university student, i study veterinary medicine in the University of Chile. I love animals and nature, i'm a very friendy person and easygoing. This is my first blog and i hope i learn a lot of it, now i´m a little lost but a think that with the time i gonna be a blog expert.

10 comentarios:

  1. Nina!!! are so smart, I think your blog will be improved, but now is very cool, but I laughed a bit by what you said.
    I lov u

  2. Hi nina! I love your blog!
    Is really beautifull ... I'm just learning to fix mine, but yours is great!I love it!
    Is very nice your photo profile with your pet.

    I see you Monday.

    Kisses =)

  3. nina add me to your contacts!!

    kisses again!

  4. hello nina
    I think we are in the same situation .... half lost to the blog
    I love your blog

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. My Nina gay
    I missed you yesterday!,was not the same without you.
    I love you stupid

  7. Relax if a blog let you problems.
    In the university you are so smart and that is really good, i hope to have the same marks as you LOL

  8. hi nina!
    I really like your blog, is beautiful and very green.
    I also do not know how occupy a blog,
    in fact, even i don't know how to post a picture!!
    I hope we learn little by little. =)
    kisses nina

  9. Hi I'm Andrea Paris and I've changed my blog to Let me say you that Almendra is beautiful :) My favorite breed is the Labrador. Your blog is cool, keep writing.Bye bye

  10. Nina,
    well done! I loved your Almond!
