viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

i admire Luis Andaur

Hello everybody, today i`m going to tell you about a person that i admire, his name is Luis Andaur, he has 43 years old and his famous because he participate in the tv program "Annimales" in Canal 13. He`s a physical education teacher and also journalist, he studied biology in Catholic University. He`s a vegetarian and exteme sports lover. He also had two world's records climbing with his bike the highests mountains of América, the Aconcagua and the Ojos del Salado. Since he`s a kind his weakness had been the animals, specially dogs and reptiles. He travels a lot, looking for dangerous animals and showing us the wild life. He has interacted with animals like crocodiles, snakes, hippos, gorillas, sharks and whales.

I admire his life style because he travels all around the world finding new adventures and complications that resolve with a lot of intelligence. And i admire him because he loves animals and he tries with his work educate the people for making them better persons about abuse of animals. I also like him because he`s always with his bike in every place that he go, and i love bycicles.

So, this is the person that i admire, i hope some day i could see him and congratulates him for the beautiful work that he do with the animals and of course for show us images that you don`t see every day.

7 comentarios:

  1. Hi.
    He looks like a realy interesting person, but i remember him by the tv show "La Ley de la Selva" if i'm not wrong

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I will kiss this person, I don´t like Luis...mmmm, but I don´t know to why...!

  4. I don´t like Luis I heat him so sorry nina but in tastes there is nothing written.
    Kisses I love you!

  5. this man is crazy!
    but I love jajaj
    kisses nina

  6. Hello everybody, today i`m going to tell you about a person that i admire, his name is Luis Andaur, he WW has 43 years old and his famous because he SVA participate in the tv program "Annimales" in Canal 13. He`s a physical education teacher and also journalist, he studied biology in Catholic University. He`s a vegetarian and exteme sports lover. He also had two world's records climbing with his bike the WF highests mountains of América, the Aconcagua and the Ojos del Salado. Since he`s a kind his weakness had been the animals, specially dogs and reptiles. He travels a lot, looking for dangerous animals and showing us the wild life. He has interacted with animals like crocodiles, snakes, hippos, gorillas, sharks and whales.

    I admire his life style because he travels all around the world finding new adventures and complications that resolve with a lot of intelligence. And i admire him because he loves animals and he tries with his work educate the people for making them better persons about abuse of animals. I also like him because he`s always with his bike in every place that he go, and i love SP bycicles.

    So, this is the person that i admire, i hope some day i could see him and congratulates him for the beautiful work that he do with the animals and of course for show us images that you don`t see every day.

    well done!!he seems a very interesting person!
    but i would not kiss him like seba hahah
