viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

my favorite subject

Hello everybody, in this occasion i wanna talk you about my favorite subject, which is Histology. Well, this subject began last year and i really like it from the first place because a lot of reasons. First, we have a really good professor, miss Maria Soledad Fernandez, you can tell that she is very intelligent, she knows everything about the topic that she´s talking and i really like that in a professor, also she's very comprehensive, she worries about us, for example, when we had a week full of tests she adjust her calendar or doesn´t do quizes that had been programmed, i love her for that to. Other reason is that i really like the work in laboratory and stuff like that, in histology you have to learn to use the microscope and then practice by seeing samples of a lots of parts of an organism, like for example: epithelium, kidney, stomach and intestines. I really enjoy put my apron and go to laboratory the days that we have practice and see through the microscope all that samples that are really hard work to do, and draw what i see and learn a bit more about the tiny things that an organism have. Well, those are the main reasons why my favorite subject is histology, also i have to considerate that i have really good grades in this subjects, it must be because a like it very much.

So that´s it, i hope you like my post and comment too, see you in another time, bye!

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

i admire Luis Andaur

Hello everybody, today i`m going to tell you about a person that i admire, his name is Luis Andaur, he has 43 years old and his famous because he participate in the tv program "Annimales" in Canal 13. He`s a physical education teacher and also journalist, he studied biology in Catholic University. He`s a vegetarian and exteme sports lover. He also had two world's records climbing with his bike the highests mountains of América, the Aconcagua and the Ojos del Salado. Since he`s a kind his weakness had been the animals, specially dogs and reptiles. He travels a lot, looking for dangerous animals and showing us the wild life. He has interacted with animals like crocodiles, snakes, hippos, gorillas, sharks and whales.

I admire his life style because he travels all around the world finding new adventures and complications that resolve with a lot of intelligence. And i admire him because he loves animals and he tries with his work educate the people for making them better persons about abuse of animals. I also like him because he`s always with his bike in every place that he go, and i love bycicles.

So, this is the person that i admire, i hope some day i could see him and congratulates him for the beautiful work that he do with the animals and of course for show us images that you don`t see every day.